Quality of Hedge Fund and Private Equity Managers
Agecroft Partners is highly selective of the hedge funds and private equity managers we represent. We utilize an institutional due diligence process to narrow the broad universe of managers down to the select few we ultimately represent. It is Agecroft’s objective to partner with the highest quality fund managers possible that have clearly defined investment processes and risk controls, solid pedigrees of investment team, and strong historical performance. Ultimately, the reputation of a third party marketing firm is based on the quality of the managers it represents.
Industry Reputation
The industry reputation of a consulting and marketing firm has a direct impact on an investor's perception of the alternative investment organizations they represent. Agecroft's brand in the marketplace enhances the credibility of managers they represent and significantly improves access to institutional investors, more often than not, on the senior level.
Agecroft Partners has been selected as the Third Party Marketing Firm of the Year thirteen years in a row by Hedgeweek and/or HFM. Agecroft strives to be a thought leader in the alternative investment industry and frequently writes white papers relative to investment and industry trends they have identified by leveraging the knowledge they gain through the thousands of investors they are in contact with on a regular basis. The white papers tend to be broadly covered by the industry media and have been published or written about over 1,500 times in industry articles and approximately 100 times by business television and radio, including being a regular guest on Bloomberg, and CNBC. Finally, Agecroft’s Alternative Investment Industry Newsletter, established in 2021, has over 29,000 subscribers.
Gaining the Edge
An affiliated company of Agecroft Partners is dedicated to globally enhancing the alternative investment knowledge of institutional investors and raising money for charities that benefit at-risk youth. Gaining the Edge’s annual New York Alternative Investment Conference has sold out all 6 of its events, with over 2,000 unique alternative investment industry professionals. The Gaining the Edge - Alternative Investment Educational Webinar series has hosted 22 episodes with over 5,000 unique industry professionals. Finally, Gaining the Edge – Cap intros have had over 2,000 unique industry professionals participate in at least 1 of 4 events.
Gaining the Edge and Agecroft’s Partners has donated approximately $3 million to charities that benefit at-risk youth.
Founder's Experience
Don Steinbrugge's achievements over his 35 year career in institutional investment management sales include serving as the head of sales for one of the world's largest hedge funds and institutional investment management firms; Don was a founding principal of Andor Capital Management and a member of the firm's Operating Committee, which was ranked as the 2nd largest hedge fund organization in a survey by Absolute Return Magazine. Prior to Andor, Don was a Managing Director and Head of Institutional Sales for Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, which at the time was one of the largest investment managers in the world ranked by assets under management (now part of BlackRock). Don was also Global Head of Institutional Sales and a member of the Executive Committee for NationsBank Investment Management (NationsBank acquired Bank of America and assumed it name).
Don is a former two term Board of Directors member of the University of Richmond’s Robins School of Business, The Science Museum of Virginia Endowment Fund, The Richmond Ballet (The State Ballet of Virginia), Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens (and a member of the endowment investment committee), the Child Savers Foundation, Help for Children (Hedge Funds Care), Virginia Home for Boys and Girls Foundation the Richmond Sports Backers. He also served over a decade on the Investment Committee for The City of Richmond Retirement System.
Quality of Sales Team
Our partners’ goal is to have in depth product knowledge of the funds we represent and to be able to articulate their investment processes as well as our managers. The professionals at the firm average over 25 years of industry experience. All of our partners have worked for multi-billion dollar alternative investment firms before joining Agecroft.
Strong Knowledge of the Institutional Marketplace
Our partners have met with a majority of the largest North American pension funds, endowments, foundations and institutional consulting firms during their careers. A significant number of these investors have been clients. In addition, our sales team has significant relationships globally at a senior level with large institutional investors, fund of funds, private banks, OCIOs, insurance company and family office market places. Our combined efforts have resulted in the creation of a proprietary database of more than 30,000 industry investor contacts.
Organizational Philosophy
We believe the most successful way to raise assets over time is by maintaining a stellar reputation in the industry based on integrity, trust and knowledge. We always simultaneously consider the best interest of the manager and the investor. We represent only what we perceive as the highest quality funds. We limit the number of funds we represent in order to maintain a high level of product technical knowledge. We implement a focused, tailored marketing approach for each firm we represent and work in partnership with our clients to help them effectively grow their business.