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Agecroft Partners is a global, award winning consulting and marketing firm that has been selected 12 years in a row by Hedgeweek and/or HFM Week as the Third Party Marketing Firm of the Year.

For hedge funds and private equity managers, Agecroft Partners focuses on providing:   


Consulting advice:


  • Helping fund managers enhance their product offering  

  • Improving the way managers articulate their differential advantages across each of the evaluation
    factors investors use to select alternative investment funds 

  • Developing a successful marketing strategy 

  • Creating a PR, advertising, and conference strategy

  • Providing valuable intelligence regarding the global alternative investment market place  


 Capital Raising:​


  • For a select few managers (3 to 6 full time), raising assets on a global basis. Across all of our clients we have consistently helped raise over a billion in new assets annually



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For investors, Agecroft Partners focuses on:


  • Providing information that enhances investors' due diligence process

  • Identifying industry trends among hedge funds, private equity funds and institutional investors, along with giving insight into which strategies look the most attractive given current market dynamics 

  • Introducing investors to the select few hedge funds and private equity funds that have made it through our due diligence process 

  • Helping investors to identify high quality hedge funds and private equity funds in strategies in which they are interested


Agecroft Partners is a licensed broker-dealer, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is a member of The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a MSRB registered Municipal Advisor, a member SIPC and a member of The National Futures Association (NFA).

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