Agecroft Partners is a global, award winning consulting and marketing firm that has been selected 12 years in a row by Hedgeweek and/or HFM Week as the Third Party Marketing Firm of the Year.
For hedge funds and private equity managers, Agecroft Partners focuses on providing:
Consulting advice:
Helping fund managers enhance their product offering
Improving the way managers articulate their differential advantages across each of the evaluation
factors investors use to select alternative investment funds -
Developing a successful marketing strategy
Creating a PR, advertising, and conference strategy
Providing valuable intelligence regarding the global alternative investment market place
Capital Raising:​
For a select few managers (3 to 6 full time), raising assets on a global basis. Across all of our clients we have consistently helped raise over a billion in new assets annually
For investors, Agecroft Partners focuses on:
Providing information that enhances investors' due diligence process
Identifying industry trends among hedge funds, private equity funds and institutional investors, along with giving insight into which strategies look the most attractive given current market dynamics
Introducing investors to the select few hedge funds and private equity funds that have made it through our due diligence process
Helping investors to identify high quality hedge funds and private equity funds in strategies in which they are interested
Agecroft Partners is a licensed broker-dealer, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is a member of The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a MSRB registered Municipal Advisor, a member SIPC and a member of The National Futures Association (NFA).